We're happy to announce a new feature which is very useful and can keep our users' mind in peace: Cron Job Exporting.
Now you could down a full backup of your cron jobs added in EasyCron with several clicks.
To do it, just log in and go to "My Account" page, and then click on "Export Cron Jobs" tab, click on "Export my cron jobs" link. A CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file including all your cron job details will be downloaded to your computer.
Currently, cron job details of
- Cron Job Name,
- Expression,
- URL,
- Email Me (notification setting),
- Log (execution logging setting),
- Cookies (cookie variable names and values),
- POST (post variable names and values),
- Status (cron job status)
Drop us a line if you have any advice for the new feature.
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